Details Last Updated: 25 March 2013 Created: 18 January 2012

Contact: Latvian National Association for Consumer Protection, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., mob.00 371 29441961

Date: 30/12/2011



From 1st June 2011 Latvian National Association for Consumer Protection with the support of the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union did conducted a set of activities within project “Promoting vulnerable consumers knowledge and information of Energy Efficiency”. Increasing issue in Riga, Tartu and Vilnius municipality is fuel poverty when consumers in their households cannot afford to keep adequately warm at reasonable cost. It is common problem for consumers of the Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Therefore a set of activities to promote knowledge and information of energy efficiency was been arranged. One of them was two study visits for the team leaders to Göteborg, Sweden and to Tartu, Estonia followed by the educational seminars for the vulnerable consumers conducted in Riga, Latvia.

During the project “good practice” of energy efficiency examples was gathered and displayed in the common web site platform www.consumerenergy.lv which will be important tool for the further activities relating to the energy issues from the consumer perspective. The next step after completion of the project is to supplement the web site with new information and proposals and provide translation into the national languages in order to reach all consumer groups. Therefore we urge consumers to be active and submit their complaints and relevant information in the web site www.consumerenergy.lv under section “Questions” were answers will be given by the local consumer organization in the native language.

Project partners were Tartu Consumer Advice and Information Centre, Lithuanian Consumer Institute and Friends of the Earth Alingsas group.

The reference for the current proposal was been issued by the Riga Energy Agency.