Tartu Tarbijanõustamis- ja Infokeskus – Grundtvig õpikoostööprojekt Grundtvig learning partnership project

51010 Tartu Tähe 4 – 157, tel. 737 5543 ja 5845 2323, Registrikood 80139930 info@tartutarbija.ee

Grundtvig Learning Partnership project “Application of Qutllitative Research in Consumers’ Organizations”

Eestikeelse projekti lühikirjelduse leiate siit

The tasks of project:

  • To provide consumers’ organizations with basic understanding of qualitative research.
  • To equip consumers’ organizations with sufficient information to appreciate how qualitative research is undertaken.
  • To enable consumers’ organizations to consider the appropriateness of a qualitative approach to their chosen field of investigation.
  • To carry out 1 local qualitative research in the field of urgent problems of consumers in each partner country.
  • To compose Compendium consisted of carried out local qualitative researches as practical handbook for consumers’ organizations.
  • To create Methodology of Qualitative Research for consumers’ organizations explaining how to conduct qualitative research.
  • To publish “Methodology and Compendium of Qualitative Research for Consumers’ Organizations” (book and CD), which includes methodical aspects of qualitative research and Compendium of carried out local qualitative researches.
  • To publish project’s leaflet.
  • To create project’s website.
  • To exchange experience among partners in the field of consumers’ protection, conducting researches and adult education.


ERCC, Education, Research and Consultancy Centre, Klaipeda, LITHUANIA
Viešoji įstaiga “Švietimo, tyrimų ir konsultacijų centras” www.ercc.lt

Contact person Julija Šešeika Ercc.klaipeda@gmail.com Director Renata Baltrimiene Ercc.director@gmail.com

PARTNERS:1) RCI, Research and Consultancy Institute Ltd, Limassol, CYPRUS

Contact person Lambros Kaikitis lambros@rci.com.cy

Cristos Giannoulis, Director , info@rci.com.cy2) TCAIC, Tartu Consumer Advice and Information Centre, Tartu, ESTONIA

Tartu Tarbijanõustamis- ja Infokeskus www.tartutarbija.ee

Contact person Tiiu Müürsepp tiiu.muursepp@ut.ee
Director Tiiu Müürsepp info@tartutarbija.ee
3) Generation Europe, o. s, Praha, Czech Republic www.generation-europe.cz
Contact person Lenka Petýrková lenka@generation-europe.cz
Director Petr Jakubíček petr@generation-europe.cz4) Zemgale NGO support centre , Jelgava, LATVIA

Biedriba “Zemgales nevalstiko organizaciju atbalsta centrs” www.zemgalei.lv
Contact person Uldis Dumins znvoc@apollo.lv

Chairperson Uldis Dumins znvoc@apollo.lv

The purpose of the project is to enable consumers’ protection organizations with little or no previous experience of research to gain a basic undestanding of qualitative research and the potential for this type of research in consumers’ organizations.

The main aim of consumrs’ protection organizations is to educate consumers, to investigate and solve their problems, to help them to understand their rights as well rise awareness of consumers. In order to complete their mission consumers’ organizations often come across necessity to carry out qualitative research – to organize round table discussions, carry out objective interviews, conduct analysis of material and etc. However, many consumers’ organizations even don’t know the essantial things about qualitative research. If they would be aware of methodology of this type of research, they wold be able to help consumers more effectively and professionally.

Kick off meeting in Klaipeda, Lithuania 29.-31.01.2009

ERCC, the Co-ordinator presented project in order to understand the context of project and relevance of its results to our society. Consumers’ organisations introduced themselves and situations in their countries, expressed their expectations regarding project’s results and impact on consumers’ organisations. Partners clearly defined their duties and tasks in project.ERCC and RCI conducted one- day seminar providing consumers’ organisations with basic knowledge about qualitative research


1. Research & Consultancy Institute (Cyprus)o Chistos Giannoulis

2. Generation Europe (Czech Republic)

o Marie Rimanova

3. Zemgale NGO Center (Latvia)

o Uldis Duminso Baiba Duminao Dace Kupca

4. Tartu Tarbijanoustamis – ja Infokeskus (Estonia)

o Tiiu Müürseppo Valli Murelo Jüri Riünklao Edvin Aedma

5. Education, Research & Consultancy Center (Lithuania)

o Julija Šešeika

o Renata Baltrimiene

lmportant decisions made durinq the meeting:

1. It was decided not to create project’s website, because after end of the projectwebsite won’t be useful. Partners have suggested to place all information about

project on their organizations’ websites.

2. It was decided to create only electronic version of leaflet and send it to interested
institutions in each country by e-mail.

3. lt was decided to postpone trainings about qualitative research in each partnercountry, because participants felt they need additional seminar about qualitativeresearch. Partner from Cyprus (RCl) will hold practical seminar during secondmeeting of partners in Limassol. After this meeting each partner will provide local

seminars for interested persons and institutions.

4. It was decided to prepare handbook for consumers’ organizations about qualitative
research after second meeting in Cyprus.

5. It was decided all important mails to send all partners, not only for coordinator.

No Task Deadline Partners responsible
1 To place infomation about project in organization’s website:-short description of poject- information about 1-st meeting in Klaipeda- fotogallery- logo of organizations-project partners- contact infomation of partners

– useful links

1 March, 2009 All partners
2 To create elechonic version of leaflet 15 March, 2009 Estonian partner
3 To send leaflet by e-mail for interested institutions/orcanizations 20 March, 2009 All partners
4 To prepare surveys ofconsumers’ protection systems in partner countries and place these surveys into organizations’ websites 1 June, 2009 All partners
5 To prepare the theme of local qualitative research and drafts of questionnaires For 2 meeting in
All partners
